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bernardino ramazzini

I am unsure if I should put the bad-smelling items in the offices and pharmacies of the fancy-looking doctors, which already smell like medicine and senna, or if I should ask them to come and see the smelly places.


bernardino ramazzini

The story starts with a person seeing a sewer worker working very quickly. When they asked why, the worker said they were afraid of going blind if they stayed there too long. Later, when the person looked for blind people in the city, they noticed that most of them were sewer workers. This is how they figured out that working in the sewers could cause blindness.


bernardino ramazzini

The person who is responsible for making sure that someone has a secure job.


bernardino ramazzini

Bernardino Ramazzini was a doctor who lived between 1633-1714. He had important ideas about how to treat malaria, but his most famous work was a book about diseases caused by work, called "De Morbis Artificum Diatriba". This book is the source of the question we ask in medical history, which is "What do you do for a living?"


bernardino ramazzini

Dr Bernardino Ramazzini was an Italian doctor who is known as the founder of occupational health. He wrote a book called 'De Morbis Artificum Diatriba' which talks about 52 work and health issues. If you were to ask him what he eats on a daily basis or what he does, these would be new questions to him.


bernardino ramazzini

He is the person who first thought of the idea of occupational health. He was the first to discover that certain diseases can be linked to the type of job someone does.

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